Friday, June 17, 2011

Smiling Through The Tears

There is one plus that I think comes from reality shows. The ability to see yourself from a different view. I sometimes watch reality shows and judge the women as IF I myself don't act like that at times. I am realizing (humble pie time) that I have some of the same issues as the women on these shows, I just don't have cameras following me around recording me :-).  Seriously, I wish that I could have a tape that I could play back and actually SEE myself in different situations. I am finding that how the situation went in my head is not always how it actually went. We as society judge these women but really are they that much different than we are. I mean, I may not cuss and fight but the core of what is causing them to act out is emotion, self preservation, love, passion, fear, anger, and at some point I feel all of those things.

At my church my husband (Pastor John Davis) is in the middle of a series of teachings called "The Lie" and "Possessing The Land" that are causing me to realize some tough things about myself. The biggest being I am to alive to what I think, and what I want. I am to attached to MY perspective and perspectives that differ from mine I consider WRONG. I see the world as black and white, right and wrong. What is wrong with that is many times what is black and white, right and wrong are often times SUBJECTIVE. That is what lead me to box people in. I am in a good place right now. I am loving this teaching because it's causing me to see ME. That is what spawned the "yes month". I cried alot today, but now I am smiling through the tears. Sometimes you have to face tough things about yourself and eat alot of humble pie, but it's all for your good. What is even better is I recently realized these things about myself but GOD has known all along and loved me no less. My husband, family and friends have known too and loved me no less. For that I am eternally grateful ;-) THANK GOD FOR GRACE!

For more info on our church or to hear some of the teachings that are making such a difference in my life, visit or check out our youtube channel, The TotalVictoryExperience.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Experience #1 of Just Say Yes :-)

Yesterday I had the first experience of what I call "Just Say Yes Month". I blogged about it in an earlier blog so refer to the blog entitled "Just Say Yes". My son asked if we could go to the movies as a family. Normally I don't do kid movies. I find them boring and I don't enjoy them SO I never took them to the movies. I let their grandmother and God- Mother take them, but my son told me he wanted to see Kung Fu Panda and a friend of the family offered to take him and my daughter, but he asked if we could go as a family and I said ......YES! So we went to the movies and saw it in 3D. It was actually good. I really allowed myself to get into it and enjoy it and I have to tell you seeing a big fat Panda do Kung FU, and do it well might I add, was kind of cool. I even laughed at some of the jokes. So I was not disappointed in the movie but the biggest joy and best part of the experience was seeing my kids. My daughter sat next to my husband and My son sat next to me. They were so happy to have both parents at a movie with them. They really enjoyed it and therefore I really enjoyed it. So my days of saying no to all kid movies are over. My kids are 7 and 8 and I have only gone to 1 movie with them. THEY have gone to lots of movies but not with me. So day 2 of the "JUST SAY YES" experiment was a complete success. :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Well, I decided to borrow the idea from the Movie "Yes Man" and say YES to everything for a month. I say no to so many things and close myself off from a lot of different experiences, not sure why, no real reason. I guess you get so set in life and routine that you get STUCK there, but I want to shake things up a bit and see where it takes me. I used to be a very rigid person, rigid and set in my ways; and if you didn't fit into my box then you were not on my radar. Thank God for Grace. Since learning about GRACE I find that I am not as judgemental and close minded as I used to be. The world is a big place with so many different people and everyone has a story. Who am I to judge and discredit people because they don't fit into my box. So for the next month I plan to JUST SAY YES. If a friend ask me to go to a Thai restaurant my answer will be yes, if the kids ask to come play kickball as opposed to doing another load of laundry yes, try a new genre of movies, yes...I may even go see Thor with my husband and son instead of the next romance flick. You get the point, my plan is to say yes to everything especially things that I would normally say no to and see where it takes me. :-) I will definitely blog about it so stay tuned.
