Saturday, March 5, 2011

When You Assume you make an ....out of You and Me :-)

There is a saying "when you ASSUME you make an .... out of U and ME. It is a play on words but actually very true. When I started this blog I said my purpose was to allow others access into the things God has taught me as I am on the Journey of Life in Christ. One of the things that I have learned that I think would really help women is NOT to assume. I have found in my own personal life that it is best not to assume what a person feels, or why they feel a certain way, or to supply the why behind a person's action. There are 2 things wrong with assuming.

One, when you assume you always assume based on YOUR thoughts and how YOU would act. The problem with this train of thought is everyone is not like you. This is a lesson that I have learned and realized about myself through a dear friend of mine. He helped me to see that everyone doesn't fit in my little box. The world is a big place with all different kinds of people and I can't assume everyone thinks like me or would handle a situation how I would. Here is another BIG lesson I have learned....I also can't JUDGE or get upset with a person because they don't handle something how I think they should.

The second thing wrong with assuming is..... it places a judgement on a person and we aren't God so we only see in part. When we assume we ascribe a MOTIVE to someones actions and we really don't know a person's heart. We can't judge a person based on what WE perceive. They have a whole life outside of us and there are so many other reasons why they could have said what they said or done what they did that actually DON'T involve us.

Listen, here is what I know about the devil. He loves to keep strife and division among the brethren. He loves to see you fighting with your family members, church members, co-workers, people you know. He loves division and disorder, and a person's mind who assumes things is a playground for the enemy. I don't live my life like that. It is to stressful. I can't live wondering where my husband is, assuming he is doing this or that because he walked out the room to have a telephone conversation; or assuming this person was talking about me because of a post on Face Book, or even assuming I know WHY someone posted what they posted. Assuming this group of people doesn't like me because when I walked in the room they stopped talking. Assuming the Pastor is preaching on me because he said something in the message that hit home in my life. People that is exhausting and draining and it makes for a very unhappy life.

So what has God taught me? To go to the source. I am not saying ignore everything because that is not wise but I am saying before you allow your mind to run wild with assumptions just GO to the person and ask. Give people the benefit of the doubt. It is always better to just go to a person and ask. Ladies especially with men. Assuming is a HUGE pet peeve of men. When you treat them like you are the judge and jury without giving them a chance to explain. Trust me on this learning this will keep down so many arguments in your relationship. Give them an opportunity to explain before you jump the gun in your thinking. You will have a lot more peace if you learn this lesson. GIVE PEOPLE THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT.

Isn't that an attribute of love anyway?   LOVE ......thinks no evil;  does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1Cor 13:5-7 (emphasis added)
Love BELIEVES the BEST about people. We shouldn't always assume the worst about people. It's not fair to them. Adapting these priciples won't keep you from ever experienceing strife with people BUT it will keep strife out of YOUR heart and mind. You are only responsible for you and you don't want to live like that.

Smooches lovely people,

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