Grace does not remove judgement, grace is God judging Jesus for OUR sins. If you are not found IN Christ then you will have to answer to God for your sin. Because of what Adam did in the garden all of us are sinners. Not because of acts that we do but because we were born with a sin nature- our very nature IS the sin. We were born dead in another form different from what God originally created. However, through Jesus Christ we can have new life & live in & fellowship with God as new creations in Christ Jesus. We can be born AGAIN through faith in him. So right now there is no judgement coming from God. The pains, trials, and sufferings that we see in this world are the results of two things: 1. Fallen mankind & us ruining the planet by not knowing how to manage & tend it. 2. The result of things that were set in place thousands of years ago before any of us were here. Things that happened in the spirit that the Bible speaks of that we can not yet fully understand (Matt. 24:4-8). Right now these are the causes of what we see, but ladies and gentleman please hear me clearly, He that have an ear let him hear, there is a judgement that is coming that IS from God; and when it comes there will be no mistaking, or wondering is this God. When God judges his judgement is Noah and the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah- he DESTROYS cities and all that are in them. The casualties are not a few hundred people, the casualties are ENTIRE cities. (Matthew 24:2-22) This judgement IS going to happen, however we don't have to be a part of it because CHRIST was Judged at the cross for all of mankind. We can place our life in him and find protection from the coming horrors. Those who are found outside of Christ WILL FACE the judgements of those in this world. Even if you feel you are a good person and do good deeds. Our goodness does not equal righteousness. Righteousness only comes by FAITH in Christ. (Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe... For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified FREELY by his GRACE through the redemption that is IN Christ Jesus (Rom 3:21-28 emphasis vs.22-24) ). God doesn't deal with mankind according to our good deeds because none of us can measure up to his standard. His standard is perfection. That is why he sent Jesus to pay the price of sin FOR us. So you see there is no salvation for the man that rejects the free gift of salvation. To reject Christ is to say to God that you don't need a savior and you can answer for your own Sins. Every man has that choice. God will not make you believe & he will not make you accept his gift of salvation, it's YOUR choice. But in choosing know this, EVERY MAN will die eventually, every man will give account of the deeds done in their physical body, and this world will experience the great tribulation that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24. Everyone who has not placed faith in Christ will be apart of this tribulation. (2 Thess. 2:1-17 emphasis on vs. 9-12) ... because they RECEIVED NOT the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. The bible warns of a coming tribulation that will be a horrible time and I don't want ANY of you to have to endure that. I urge you go to my church's website, or visit our YouTube page totalvictoryexp and listen to any of the many messages that we have there FREE about Jesus Christ. Also, pray and ask God to reveal to you whether what I am saying is the truth or not, and PLEASE reader if you feel a prompting in your heart as you read this don't ignore it. Put faith in Christ while you still have a chance.
Awesome post. Let it make it's way into the hands of all who are seeking, and wondering about Christ. Let each one have an ear to receive, Let them choose to place their faith on what Jesus did at the cross. in Jesus name Amen!