Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How Does God View Politics? The Answer is Surprising.

This is an Article written by my husband Pastor John Davis. I wholeheartedly agree with the truths shared in this article. I hope you will read and ask the Lord to reveal His truth to you.

When the Son of Man comes, will He find FAITH on the Earth?

In Luke 18: 8 Jesus asks an alarming question: "When the Son of Man comes, will he find FAITH on the earth?" Many people just believe that Jesus is saying will He find "people believing in Him on the earth" but Faith is not YOUR belief system, Faith is the View and Perspective of God

What Jesus is saying is that when He comes, will He find ANYONE with His View and His Perspective working in them on the earth. Our world is filled with various opinions and views on a whole lists of different topics, but opinions rule wherever people do not know or comprehend Truth. Opinions matter whenever Self is still the dominating ruling factor in your life.

Last night our great country re-elected its first African American President in the history of our nation. Many are excited, hopeful and over-joyed as rightfully as they is truly a remarkable accomplishment as to how much our country has changed since the days of the "Jim Crow" Laws of the 60s. But with that being said, politics was NEVER God's solution in solving the problems of humanity...HIS solution has always resided in His Son Jesus Christ dying on the Cross for the sin of the world!!

If God was interested in politics or political leaders, then why didn't He send Christ to be "president", "prime minister" or a great political activist? If God wanted a people who would "change" the world then why didn't He empower Israel IN Egypt, instead of delivering them OUT OF Egypt? If God wanted the Body of Christ to look to politics as the solution then why not allow Peter, James and John and the rest of His Disciples to seek public office? No, politics was NEVER God's solution, in fact, politics is something invented BY man who willingly rejects GODS SOLUTION to his condition!

Politics is what we have when we try to "Self-govern" ourselves instead of looking to the Cross of Jesus Christ as the ONLY solution to humanities problems. Politics is what Israel created within themselves called the Pharisees and the Sadducces (a two-party system) because they refused the Salvation offered to them through the Finished Work of the Cross! Ladies and Gentlemen, politics is what WE create and then blindly look to when we simply do not know Christ as our Life, not just our Savior, but absolutely everything that we have come to know and comprehend as Life itself!

The question still remains, "when Christ comes will He find HIS VIEW AND HIS PERSPECTIVE working in you" or will He find personal opinions, political rhetoric, or self governance being the ruling factor in your Life? What happens when the Body of Christ, the Church, spends more time DEFENDING their political leader and says absolutely NOTHING to our friends, family and co-workers as they continue to mock and blaspheme the Name of Jesus Christ? Jude says "we are to earnestly CONTEND FOR THE FAITH THAT WE HAVE RECEIVED", not for our political ideology. (Selah)

Let me leave you guys with something...Jesus said "that a kingdom DIVIDED against itself cannot stand". In light of where we are as a nation, I would say that we are pretty much divided against ourselves, which means that we are DESTINED to FALL, not rise as a nation if we do not unite around GODS SOLUTION to our problem, instead of the voting IN or OUT who WE THINK is the solution. And that solution is the Cross of Jesus Christ and the Life that ONLY resides in Him! Hope I didn't offend anyone, but I just had to share what was on my heart...Love u guys and be Blessed!

Pastor John Davis

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