Sunday, September 12, 2010

I am Seriously a Daydreamer.

OK so I have been daydreaming again and a lot lately. I am a serious daydreamer. I envision my future and things that I want to take place in my future. I have sooooo many words and prophecies that God has spoken to me about my life and my family. Things that have yet to come to pass in full. Parts of them have begun but they haven't fully happened yet. So I do something that I call "see with my heart". Often times when I look at my life through the eyes of the word or through the eyes of what God has spoken those things haven't fully happened yet. Well, in order to hang on to those words especially in hard times I spend a lot of time "seeing with my heart". Mostly it is early in the morning when I wake up before I get out of bed. I will lay in bed and travel to my future in my mind. Let me give you an example. One of the things that I know that my husband and I will experience is debt freedom. I KNOW we will be wealthy and debt free. How do I know? God told me.

There was a time when I was behind on my car. Not the car I have now but the one I had prior to this car. Things were slow at the church and we wouldn't get paid a lot. My husband would forgo his salary so we could pay the obligations at the church. As a result our personal obligations often went lacking. My particular car company was AWFUL. They were mean, rude and down right demonic if you ask me. lol They would say the most awful things. But anyway, I thought I deserved that treatment. I thought I deserved them talking to me like that because I was late. I hadn't paid my bill and I did sign the contract. One day I was praying and the Lord gave me a revelation. He said to me "Eboni you do deserve that. You are late and haven't paid your bill BUT I ransomed you from that. I gave my life for your bad decisions and poor financial choices." I gave my life to free you even from debt (scriptural ref. 2 Cor. 8:9 and Matt: 20:28). Well right now we are not debt free but that day I received that word I literally RECEIVED that word. I began to see myself as debt free. Our financial picture has gotten better every year but we aren't totally out of debt. Thank God I don't have that car. I traded it in and got a better car at a better interest rate and totally better deal and we have not been late at all. So we are progressing as I said.

At the time though when I received the word we were behind on most of our bills. So I would close my eyes and  imagine myself debt free. I would imagine us paying our bills on time and having enough to do the things we needed to do. I would day dream and see the church filled and just see all of the things that God had promised me in my mind. I used my imagination to SEE myself living in the promises of God. I would  DAYDREAM :-).

Well I am daydreaming AGAIN Honey and If I were to take the time and give you all a glimpse into me and my husband's future it is a powerful thing. Like I said God has spoken some awesome things to me. Daydreaming allows me to see with my heart as opposed to looking at my natural circumstances. When I do that it keeps me in faith. I have been stirred up so much lately. Maybe one day I will share with the world what I see but I don't feel lead to do that just yet. I will encourage you though to try it. Try "seeing with your heart". Seeing yourself in a successful career, or happy marriage, debt free, your children home. Try seeing yourself HAPPY, enjoying life. Try imagining you succeeding on your job. If you are jobless try seeing yourself waking up getting dressed and going to work. See yourself in your business suit with your brief case on the elevator. If you are in school see yourself graduating or getting the paper back with a big fat red A+. Take some time to see with your heart.

God gives us imaginations to propel our faith. He told Abraham to look at the stars and the sands of the sea and imagine himself as the father of many. I paraphrased but you get the point. Dream again. Don't give up on your dreams or the words God has given you. Until you see them actually happening in the natural SEE them with your heart on the canvas of your imagination. I promise you it is a powerful thing.

I am going to borrow this saying from Taraji P. Henson ILUVMESUMU ( I love me some you ;-)!!!! Until Next time,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Could it be, have I gained weight?

OK so lately I have been noticing my clothes fitting different. They are fitting a little more snug. So I have been asking my husband over the last few months, "Honey, am I bigger? Am I gaining weight," and of course being the great husband that he is his answer is always, "no, you look fine to me, I like your size, you look the same." Now either he really hasn't noticed or he is really smart and knows to answer no even if he has noticed. He may not have noticed but I have, and the scale doesn't lie. So I step on to weigh my self after thinking for a few weeks that I am bigger and sure enough I am. Ten, YES TEN pounds heavier than I was two years ago, and 5 lbs heavier than I was last year. So instead of going down like I wanted when I supposedly started to watch what I ate last year, I have gone up. Now I know some of you may be thinking well it's only 10 lbs but 10 will turn into 15 and 15 will turn into 20 and that is exactly what I don't want.

I have always been conscious about my weight because obesity runs in my family and I want to break the cycle of obesity and health related problems for my daughter. I want her to see an example of someone different and I want to be able to be active with my kids as they get older. Play basketball, ride bikes with them, swim and interact with them so it has always been a goal of mine to stay fit. Also, I want to remain attractive for my husband. He married me a certain way and I think it's unfair to turn into a whole different person because of a large amount of weight gain, so I have always worked out. Now here is my problem......watching what I put in my mouth. I see now after turning 30 that I can't eat whatever I want any longer. I tend to cook fairly healthy its the SNACKING that does me in. I am a chip queen Honey and chocolate lover. So those things combined with eating late at night I think have taken there toll on my waist line. So I am officially turning over a new leaf. I said that I was on a Journey and I would let my blog followers watch God move in my life. Well, I have petitioned him to help me in my weight and with my lack of discipline. And boy does He have a job ahead of him. I have two bad habits that with his help I have to break. SNACKING and snacking late. Like right now I am tempted to go and get a snack at 11:13pm, BUT I won't I am blogging about it instead.

 My plan isn't to go on some extreme diet that I won't be able to maintain long term. I have found that once you return to your regular eating patterns all the weight if not more comes back. Instead my plan is to make better choices. I will not cut out snacks all together nor will I deprive myself, but I will develop better habits. It will take discipline but I am up for the challenge and I will keep you guys posted on my progress. So I invite you to join me. Let's go on this journey together. If you want to be a trail blazer in your family to win the battle over the bulge let's do it together. There is strength in numbers. We can do it. With the help of the Holy Spirit I WILL do it. Will you join me?