Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How Does God View Politics? The Answer is Surprising.

This is an Article written by my husband Pastor John Davis. I wholeheartedly agree with the truths shared in this article. I hope you will read and ask the Lord to reveal His truth to you.

When the Son of Man comes, will He find FAITH on the Earth?

In Luke 18: 8 Jesus asks an alarming question: "When the Son of Man comes, will he find FAITH on the earth?" Many people just believe that Jesus is saying will He find "people believing in Him on the earth" but Faith is not YOUR belief system, Faith is the View and Perspective of God

What Jesus is saying is that when He comes, will He find ANYONE with His View and His Perspective working in them on the earth. Our world is filled with various opinions and views on a whole lists of different topics, but opinions rule wherever people do not know or comprehend Truth. Opinions matter whenever Self is still the dominating ruling factor in your life.

Last night our great country re-elected its first African American President in the history of our nation. Many are excited, hopeful and over-joyed as rightfully as they is truly a remarkable accomplishment as to how much our country has changed since the days of the "Jim Crow" Laws of the 60s. But with that being said, politics was NEVER God's solution in solving the problems of humanity...HIS solution has always resided in His Son Jesus Christ dying on the Cross for the sin of the world!!

If God was interested in politics or political leaders, then why didn't He send Christ to be "president", "prime minister" or a great political activist? If God wanted a people who would "change" the world then why didn't He empower Israel IN Egypt, instead of delivering them OUT OF Egypt? If God wanted the Body of Christ to look to politics as the solution then why not allow Peter, James and John and the rest of His Disciples to seek public office? No, politics was NEVER God's solution, in fact, politics is something invented BY man who willingly rejects GODS SOLUTION to his condition!

Politics is what we have when we try to "Self-govern" ourselves instead of looking to the Cross of Jesus Christ as the ONLY solution to humanities problems. Politics is what Israel created within themselves called the Pharisees and the Sadducces (a two-party system) because they refused the Salvation offered to them through the Finished Work of the Cross! Ladies and Gentlemen, politics is what WE create and then blindly look to when we simply do not know Christ as our Life, not just our Savior, but absolutely everything that we have come to know and comprehend as Life itself!

The question still remains, "when Christ comes will He find HIS VIEW AND HIS PERSPECTIVE working in you" or will He find personal opinions, political rhetoric, or self governance being the ruling factor in your Life? What happens when the Body of Christ, the Church, spends more time DEFENDING their political leader and says absolutely NOTHING to our friends, family and co-workers as they continue to mock and blaspheme the Name of Jesus Christ? Jude says "we are to earnestly CONTEND FOR THE FAITH THAT WE HAVE RECEIVED", not for our political ideology. (Selah)

Let me leave you guys with something...Jesus said "that a kingdom DIVIDED against itself cannot stand". In light of where we are as a nation, I would say that we are pretty much divided against ourselves, which means that we are DESTINED to FALL, not rise as a nation if we do not unite around GODS SOLUTION to our problem, instead of the voting IN or OUT who WE THINK is the solution. And that solution is the Cross of Jesus Christ and the Life that ONLY resides in Him! Hope I didn't offend anyone, but I just had to share what was on my heart...Love u guys and be Blessed!

Pastor John Davis

Sunday, November 4, 2012

14 Years and Counting: Honest Look Into Marriage and How We Make It Work.

Well it is that time again. This past June my husband and I celebrated 14 years of marriage. Gosh it does not seem like we have been married that long. I guess that is a good thing because it's a sign that I am not dreading our marriage because the years are flying by as opposed to drudging on. :-) I have to say over these 14 years of marriage I have learned a few things and I sit here in a place where I am content. My idea of marriage at 19 (the age I was when I got married) and my idea of marriage now 14 years later are totally different.

I used to think that marriage was this fairy tale relationship that you see on TV and in the movies, but it's not, actually it's better. Many people see my husband and I and they wonder what do we do to have a great marriage, and I have often thought about that as well. After much thought I think this is our secret... God first, then commitment and respect, in that order. My 19 year old self would have answered that by saying LOVE LOVE LOVE, but I now see it differently. My husband and I love each other as most couples who marry do, but it's not the love that will keep you together. There are couples who divorce everyday who love each other. I have noticed that regardless of what we go through we are committed to make this marriage work, and that commitment causes us to WORK through our issues. Commitment causes you to humble yourself and face some tough truths about yourself. It also encourages you to remain open to commit those things to the Lord, and allow him to work out of you. I think it is God working through us that causes us to love each other enough to work through the issues, but it's us who actually do the work. Marriage is not easy, and it has it's peaks and valleys, but if you will stay committed during the valley's you can make it back to the peaks.

You have to learn your spouse, as well as learn yourself. I think I have finally learned my husband and learned myself, and accepted him for who he is. These last few years have been a time of discovery and acceptance. When I got married, I married an idea of a person, but not the actual person. I think I was so enamored with the great things that I loved about my husband that I over looked our differences in hopes that he would change. If I would change one thing about our period of engagement that would be the thing I would change. I entered our marriage hoping he would change and not accepting him JUST AS HE IS. I said this in last years anniversary blog, that my husband and I are complete opposites personality wise and that causes conflict at times. However, even with the differences I have to say he is the perfect person for me. I have learned to appreciate the things that I love most about him and not focus so much on our differences. He is not perfect, I am not perfect, by far, and I am sure that we have many of the same issues that other marriages have, but even through that I would marry him all over again.

Instead of a fairy tale idea of my husband and our marriage, I now 14 years later have reached a place where I accept my husband as he is and am learning to love our differences. Even with us being complete opposites I can say what I appreciate most about my husband it is that he is solid. He is not flaky or a fly by night. I can count on him to be consistent, to be a man of his word, and to be a rock. He is SOLID. He isn't perfect, he makes mistakes, but even in his mistakes I ALWAYS know he loves me, respects me and will ultimately do right by me and our children.

                                  I can say he is my life partner and I will love him for life. 

Family Summer Vacation 2012

This year we went to Pigeon Forge Tennessee for vacation. OMG the way we ended up in Tennessee is a story all in itself. We were originally supposed to go to Washington D.C. and tour the White House, Pentagon, Capital and Bureau of Engraving. However the Saturday before we were scheduled to leave we got news that a long standing member of our church, Mother Matthew had passed and because her funeral was on a day where we would be on vacation we had to change our destination so we could make it back by Saturday for the funeral. (The life of a Pastor...your life is not your own) 

God is the best landscaper!
So we decided last minute to change to Tennessee.  I love going to Tennessee for vacation because the scenery is absolutely gorgeous and whenever we go we always take the scenic route (85 to 985) through the mountains. 

We love to stop at the look out points to capture the beauty of God's hands.

My husband John and our kids.

Me with my daughter and niece.              
We stayed at the resort at Governors Crossing. It has a great pool. My kids are creatures of the sea so whatever hotel we stay at has to have a great pool.
A lot of the hotels in Pigeon Forge/ Gatlinburg have very small pools, so you have to do your research when booking your hotel.

They have both an indoor and outdoor pool both with great slides.

My son walking the water logs and my daughter climbing up to go next.
My kids about to slide.

 Whenever we go on vacation we love to really partake of the destination. So I try and choose activities that my entire family would enjoy. Gatlinburg/ Pigeon Forge is a great family destination spot. What I love most about it is that it is beautiful has a plethora of nature activities, and has a bunch of stuff for the kids to do. Our week was packed with fun activities. First up on the docket was Wonder Works Museum.

This destination was OK. We didn't enjoy the museum that much but they have a magic show which we attended that we really enjoyed.  They have this space walk activity where you are suspended from a harness in air and have to do a maze of ropes. It is pretty scary so I chickened out, but my son and niece completed it.

My neice Shekinah on the space rope.

My son Alex doing it. You can't tell from the picture but this is pretty high up,.

wonder works has a couple of activities. I give it about a 4 out of 10 for fun.
This was the best part of wonder works, The Terry Evanswood Magic Show. He is a Christian magician. (don't ask me how lol), but in the middle of the show he stops and gives a 10 minute talk to the audience about how magic isn't real it's all just an illusion and how God has been good to him and how is so thankful for God and who he is in his life.

Next up on the docket was whitewater rafting. This was SUPER fun!!! I can not stress how much fun we had. We got to swim in the river and jump off rocks. The best part was no one fell out of our boat. It was a bit intimidating at first because the guide does this talk that really scares you, he covers what happens if you fall out the boat or if the entire raft flips over. All of us were like uh oh do we really want to do this. But I prayed and asked God to protect us and not let anyone fall out and no one in our group fell out. 
I think our faces tell it all, FUN FUN FUN!

We got soaked which is good for a hot summer day. The water feels totally different than beach water.

Another activity that we love to do while in Gatlinburg is walk the strip. The strip is filled with activities, restaurants, desert parlors, shopping, many things to keep you occupied. Our favorite thing to do is to get a sausage and funnel cake. The cook these grilled sausages with peppers and onion on this outdoor grill delicious...and the funnel cakes are scrumptious. If yo love spinach dip try Blaines, they have really good spinach dip. In Pigeon Forge if you want a great burger go to Five Guys, they have really great burgers.
My husband and daughter always hand in hand, she loves her daddy.
At one of the restaurants on the strip. There are many to choose from. 
I would really recommend Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge to families as a vacation destination. It is affordable and has a lot to offer for activities, dinning, and family fun!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I Am Troubled By What I See

Hi Everyone,

I had to blog today about something that is very disturbing to me that I am noticing about the hearts of the people today. This spirit of arrogance that is so prevalent in our society. I find it funny that some people think that how THEY think about it, is what matters. As if just because THEY think it, that makes it truth. Listen, that includes ME. I come face to face with truth every day, and have to make a decision of whether I am going to hold on to what I think, or am I going to go with what GOD is saying.  However, not everyone is willing to do that. Some people have this attitude of, "Well, I hear you but I don't think that," or, "I don't see it like that," or, "I don't agree with that." AS IF just because YOU don't see it like that THAT, it's not real.  People this type of attitude only hurts YOU.

I want to talk to you about something that I call "The Thomas Principle". You can actually set your heart to NOT believe. Some people have the attitude of "I will NOT believe it unless I see it". The problem with this type of believe system is some of the things that you have shut your hearts off to believing are for your own good and protection. If you wait to see it to believe, it maybe TO LATE.

God is a faithful God, He will always warn The Body of Christ. John 16:13  Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. However, we as the people have to heed the warnings. 

There is a story in the book of John about Thomas, a disciple who set his heart to NOT believe. John Chap. 20 tells the story of Jesus' ascension to the father after his crucifixion. Not all of the disciples saw him when he rose from the dead, but He told those who saw him to GO TELL THE OTHERS what had happened. Thomas, one of the disciples who had not seen him, said this when he heard, "But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe." 

You see we can set our hearts to NOT believe. It isn't that God needs to speak it to us differently, we have to humble ourselves to hear him. The problem is our Pride.  This pride doesn't just exist in people it exists in the whole world. Our society is prideful and instills pride in the people. Before we see the truth,  we first have to recognize our NEED for truth, and secondly humble ourselves and allow HIM to reveal truth to us. 

There is one more scripture that I want to leave with you Luke 16:19-31. It is a story about a man who died, went to hell, and then wanted Abraham to send someone back to warn his family not to come to this place. I want you to listen to what Abraham said to him in response to his request. 

"And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;... And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.  And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

As always I leave you with this. Pray to God and ask him reveal these verses, ask Him to reveal truth to you. Tell him to reveal whether what I am saying in this blog is truth and a word for you, and if you feel him tugging at your heart DO NOT IGNORE that tugging. Time is short guys. Our lives have to be IN CHRIST. He is the only thing solid.
Have a good one,

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Letter to My Family and Friends

Dear Family and Friends,
All of you may have seen many of my facebook posts about Christ and the coming troubled times. You may have also seen the post about how tomorrow is not promised so take TODAY and get it right with God. God loves you.

Guys there are some things about to take place in this earth that you do NOT want to be apart of. If you inbox me, I will share with you personally more detail than that shared in this blog. I will give you more detail of the horrible, horrible times that the people of the earth are about to experience. But here is a general quick shot of some things I want you all to know...

The rapture of the church is going to happen soon and if you find yourself left behind here are some things that are about to happen.

1. All believers in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation and ALL children (not teens) will go in the rapture. Teens are at the age of accountability and therefore have to accept the Lord Jesus as their savior. If your children are gone DO NOT BELIEVE what the government puts out. Aliens did not take them or us the Christians, we were raptured with the Lord Jesus Christ. He spared us from the coming horrors that are coming on the land. Your children are FINE so take peace knowing that The Lord spared them from all that you are about to experience.

2. There is going to be chaos everywhere... war, murder, sickness, famine, a fake alien invasion.  You may be without power for a long time, foreign troops will invade America and kill so many people. Nuclear bombs will be dropped IN AMERICA and the devastation will cripple our country. The days of America being a super power are over. Life as you know it is forever over. Regardless of what the government or the powers that be tell you IT WILL NOT GET BETTER. The only hope is in Jesus.

3. A man is going to rise and seem to have a solution for all the chaos. This is the Antichrist. There will be 7 years of tribulation and utter destruction. During this time he will require everyone to receive a mark in either their forehead or hand. Without this mark you won't be able to buy or sell. DO NOT take the mark of the beast. If you take the mark you damn your soul to hell forever. There is no turning back from that.

3. There is about to be evil like NEVER before on the earth. Every kind of horror will happen. So give your heart to Jesus so that if you die you can be with your saved loved ones in eternity.

4. If you are reading this and the rapture has not taken place you still have time to accept Jesus. Do it today... read the blog titled "From My Heart to Yours" on my blog site  It explains in detail who Jesus is and what he came to do. It also explains why all mankind need to accept him.

5. If you have already accepted him or decide to accept him LEARN about him. Make time to hear his word preached. Go to our website or our youtube page  TheTotalVictoryExp -there are  MANY teachings to listen to. I recommend The following messages:
  • The Sign of The End
  • The Truth About Salvation
  • The Division of Light and Darkness
  • Defining God's Love

I have tried my best to tell as many people as possible about Jesus because He loves you and he will spare ALL his children from these coming horrors, but once the rapture happens that is it. You are left behind and will experience the horrible things coming on the earth. You can still get saved but it will be hard to see through all the deception that the government will put out. So do yourself a favor and accept him today.

I love you guys, I DO NOT CARE if you think I am crazy. Once everything happens you are going to be happy that I shared this info with you because you will remember it. If I have to be labeled as crazy for the sake of warning you so be it, I will take the ridicule because I do NOT want to see ANY of you have to endure the HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE things that are about to happen.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lend Me Your Ears

Ask yourself in a weeks time how much of your time, mental & physical energy goes to each of these things that Christ named? All I ask is that you be honest with YOURSELF. Luke 21: 34 says, "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting (over indulgence), and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. Jesus warned of these things overtaking our hearts and tells us to be on guard and NOT allow them to do so. If you examine our world today especially our American society it seems that everything that Jesus said to guard ourselves from doing is pretty much a NORMAL way of life. We generally are consumed with surfeiting. We overindulge in whatever feels good. There is this underlying theme in today's culture of do what thou wilt. What ever "feels" good do it. Whatever "feels" right do it. We constantly want more, more, more. Contentment is a lost virtue and we tend to work ourselves into the ground trying to indulge in our hearts delights. 

And what about drunkenness? Have you noticed that just about EVERY show on TV promotes drinking? Let's go deeper they promote drinking especially AS A WAY OF COPING with hard times. When you have a hard day, or need to unwind don't turn to Christ the source of peace, the source of strength & comfort, grab a beer or a glass of wine and drink your problems away. 

And here is the big one... the one that really jumps out at me in the verse. Christ mentions THE CARES OF THIS LIFE. People are so BUSY with the cares of this life, JUST TRYING TO LIVE that they don't have time to invest anything into their eternal life. Our lives are so filled with distractions and vane efforts and responsibilities that we don't have time to seek Christ. Some people will put more effort into not missing their favorite show than they will into not missing church.

I ask you again, in a weeks time how much of YOUR time, mental energy and physical energy goes into each of  the things that Christ named? Once you figure that out compare that to how much TIME, mental and physical energy you invest in learning about Christ. Jesus is coming back for his church and the Bible says no man knows exactly when so we should be ready at all times. I encourage you to start on purpose seeking Christ. He said all those who hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled. He also said he has given us the Holy Spirit who will lead and guide us into ALL truth. I urge you TODAY make a decision to LEARN about Jesus Christ and what his death, burial and resurrection actually means. 

I love you guys and I hope you have an ear to hear. My intent is to reach as many people as possible to influence them to seek after Jesus Christ. HE is the ONLY answer to what plagues mankind, and in these troubled times that we live in HE IS OUR ROCK! 
Be blessed Guys!

Friday, August 3, 2012

From My Heart to Yours

Grace does not remove judgement, grace is God judging Jesus for OUR sins. If you are not found IN Christ then you will have to answer to God for your sin. Because of what Adam did in the garden all of us are sinners. Not because of acts that we do but because we were born with a sin nature- our very nature IS the sin. We were born dead in another form different from what God originally created. However, through Jesus Christ we can have new life & live in & fellowship with God as new creations in Christ Jesus. We can be born AGAIN through faith in him. So right now there is no judgement coming from God. The pains, trials, and sufferings that we see in this world are the results of two things: 1. Fallen mankind & us ruining the planet by not knowing how to manage & tend it.  2. The result of things that were set in place thousands of years ago before any of us were here. Things that happened in the spirit that the Bible speaks of that we can not yet fully understand (Matt. 24:4-8). Right now these are the causes of what we see, but ladies and gentleman please hear me clearly, He that have an ear let him hear, there is a judgement that is coming that IS from God; and when it comes there will be no mistaking, or wondering is this God. When God judges his judgement is Noah and the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah- he DESTROYS cities and all that are in them. The casualties are not a few hundred people, the casualties are ENTIRE cities. (Matthew 24:2-22) This judgement IS going to happen, however we don't have to be a part of it because CHRIST was Judged at the cross for all of mankind. We can place our life in him and find protection from the coming horrors. Those who are found outside of Christ WILL FACE the judgements of those in this world. Even if you feel you are a good person and do good deeds. Our goodness does not equal righteousness. Righteousness only comes by FAITH in Christ. (Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe... For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified FREELY by his GRACE through the redemption that is IN Christ Jesus (Rom 3:21-28 emphasis vs.22-24) ). God doesn't deal with mankind according to our good deeds because none of us can measure up to his standard. His standard is perfection. That is why he sent Jesus to pay the price of sin FOR us. So you see there is no salvation for the man that rejects the free gift of salvation.  To reject Christ is to say to God that you don't need a savior and you can answer for your own Sins. Every man has that choice. God will not make you believe & he will not make you accept his gift of salvation, it's YOUR choice. But in choosing know this, EVERY MAN will die eventually, every man will give account of the deeds done in their physical body, and this world will experience the great tribulation that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24.  Everyone who has not placed faith in Christ will be apart of this tribulation. (2 Thess. 2:1-17 emphasis on vs. 9-12) ... because they RECEIVED NOT the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. The bible warns of a coming tribulation that will be a horrible time and I don't want ANY of you to have to endure that. I urge you go to my church's website,  or visit our YouTube page totalvictoryexp and listen to any of the many messages that we have there FREE about Jesus Christ. Also, pray and ask God to reveal to you whether what I am saying is the truth or not, and PLEASE reader if you feel a prompting in your heart as you read this don't ignore it. Put faith in Christ while you still have a chance.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ladies You Never Want to Be an Eve

A few years ago I received a pivotal revelation in my marriage. One day I was praying after one of the many disagreements John and I had over a decision he wanted to make in the church and my disagreement with it. I can be very opinionated and vocal in my opinions, and because my husband and I are so different our differences used to cause us to disagree a lot when it came to different approaches to handling things in the ministry. One day after a heated argument I was praying about this and God said to me, "Eboni you have to learn when to shut up. You keep going and going, and you have to learn when to just be quiet and stop talking." He then went on to show me something in scripture that I want to share with women today, especially married women or those who are about to get married.

We all know the story in Genesis 3 of Eve and how she convinced Adam to disobey God by biting the fruit. In reading the story in the past I never took the time to really think about what was going on inside of Eve when she gave him the fruit to eat. She didn't do it to be mean or to maliciously disobey God. The bible says she was deceived. A deceived person doesn't know they are deceived, why, because they are deceived. Eve really believed with everything in her that this is what they needed to do. Her heart told her so, her emotions told her so, she KNEW this is what they should do in order to be wise. I can imagine like me she was passionate about what they should do and persuaded Adam. When I believe something I am very passionate about it and won't let up. I keep talking trying to convince my husband to see my way because I KNOW this is what we need to do, or this is what HE should do. The danger in that is we as women are not called to LEAD our families. Our husbands are, and like it or not women, when we as women lead the family over our husband we are out of order. Does this mean that we have no opinion? No, of course not, but there is a difference in suggesting and voicing your opinion and taking control, directing or convincing your husband to do what YOU think he should do. What is being an Eve? It is when your husband really feels a certain decision needs to be made which you disagree with, and you talk him into going against what he feels in his heart should be done to do what what you feel.

This brings me to an important point for single women. Single ladies, because God's design is that the man is the head of the household it is very important that you make a wise choice in who you marry. Hear me very clearly ladies, when you choose to marry a man you are choosing who you are going to submit to. Just because he is irresponsible and immature that doesn't exclude you from having to respect him or allowing him to lead your family. I know this is tough and it takes revelation from God, but God's order is his order and when implemented correctly it flows beautifully. His order isn't the problem, it's our unwise choices in choosing a respectable mate that you can follow. We choose to marry immature men who aren't ready to be the head of anything let alone a family and then want God to erase his order for the family. It doesn't work that way. The time to decide whether you want to follow a man's leading is BEFORE you get married. If you don't respect him now you won't after marriage. Remember your mate is a product of your intelligent decision. I know it's tough but it's true.

So what do you do if you are married to a man who you don't respect or feel is capable of leading your family?  The answer to that is a conversation that we need to have one on one. It would take to long to go into it here so I encourage you to email me and I will speak with you personally and specific to your situation. My email address is In the subject line let me know that it is in response to the blog so that I will know it isn't spam.  To everyone else take some time to think about what I said here and if you have any questions feel free to post and we can discuss.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Every Christian Should Read This

Hi everyone, long time no Blog :-) I wanted to take a few minutes to share something that I think would be tremendously helpful. All over the world people are having to adjust to living with less. How do you endure a major decrease in your monthly income without loosing your mind, becoming offended at God and giving up, or living in a constant state of depression? I will tell you how... you realize CHRIST is IN YOU not the situation. Don't look to situations to see God. God is in you and he will manifest himself in what ever situation  you find yourself.

It's human nature to get attached to things. We get used to living our life and we subconciously begin to trust in or derive our peace and sense of happiness from those things. I.E. our dream car, dream house, our mate, or jobs. Then if any of those things are taken away we are left bewildered, confused, and afraid. Especially if it is something that we wanted really bad and finally got it, or something that we credited God as blessing us with like a Job. What happens when you are laid off of the job, does it mean God didn't give it to you? No, of course not. A lesson that I had to learn was, we live in a TEMPORAL world, and EVERYTHING in this physical world is subject to change. The only things that are ETERNAL and not subject to change are the spiritual promises that we have IN CHRIST.

(2 Cor. 4:18) While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Your job, even the one God blessed you with may have to make cut backs. Your income may change and you can no longer afford your home, or your possesions. Your kids may not be able to stay in private school. That is why it is imperative that we don't derive our identity, happiness, confidence in any of these physical things. We must get our identity, happiness, and peace from Christ.

God is the God of TODAY, not yesterday, not tomorrow, he deals in TODAY. We can't even allow ourselves to get attached to past experiences with God, because He is in us not the Experience. Just like he manifested himself  to you in the past , he will manifest himself today and everyday. This truth applies in all situations. It may be a job that he blessed you with that has somehow come to an end, or a home that he blessed you with that you can no longer afford. What we have to understand is that Christ is in US and whether you live in a home or an apartment, you will love it and have peace because your peace doesn't come from the place you live, it comes from Christ. He can manifest himself out of you in EVERY situation that you find yourself.

Your position in Christ is such a difference maker. It is how you can live in this unstable world and not BE unstable. HE alone is our Rock! Be blessed guys,