Thursday, August 19, 2010

Who AM I?

So who am I? Well I am still figuring that one out. Some of the answer to that question I know and some of it I am still learning. Actually discovering would be a better word. I discover more about myself every day. I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. I am so many things. I love music all kinds. I love LOVE. So I love love songs and movies. Whether it is love songs about my heavenly father or love music about a mate. I love love and the idea of being in love and loving others. I am a happy ending, glass half full type of girl. Hopeful romantic.

I am so thankful for grace because religion will have you cut out all music that isn't "gospel" when in actuality a lot of the so called "gospel" music isn't gospel. If it isn't talking about Jesus and what he did for us or who we are in him then it can't be classified as "gospel". LOL It can be classified inspirational, but not "gospel".

So back to telling you about me. I am a woman on a journey. Discovering who I am, who I was created to be, The REAL me. I have so many roles, but I am learning that if I allow God into every area of my life, share everything with him, not just the spiritual stuff, BUT everything.........only then I can really experience HIM as God. If we just give our good sides our so called "holy" sides to God then we don't fully get to experience him as God and we miss out on the best part of Him. The loving, always accepting, forgiving, patient side of him. Forgiveness is freeing. Acceptance is freeing and I am enjoying that freedom.

Life doesn't happen within the four walls of a church. Life happens everyday and if we think that the only way we can have relationship with God is when we are praying or doing something that is so called "holy".... then we miss out on so much with him.

So right now I am at a place where I am enjoying life. Things don't always happen as I expected but God is always there with me bringing about good in my life. I am taking time to be grateful and enjoy what he has blessed me with. I also discovered something about myself which I will share on the next blog post......for now I was answering the question WHO AM I? Well I am ME. Loved by God and forgiven. And that's the best place I can be. :-)

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