Sunday, June 5, 2011


Well, I decided to borrow the idea from the Movie "Yes Man" and say YES to everything for a month. I say no to so many things and close myself off from a lot of different experiences, not sure why, no real reason. I guess you get so set in life and routine that you get STUCK there, but I want to shake things up a bit and see where it takes me. I used to be a very rigid person, rigid and set in my ways; and if you didn't fit into my box then you were not on my radar. Thank God for Grace. Since learning about GRACE I find that I am not as judgemental and close minded as I used to be. The world is a big place with so many different people and everyone has a story. Who am I to judge and discredit people because they don't fit into my box. So for the next month I plan to JUST SAY YES. If a friend ask me to go to a Thai restaurant my answer will be yes, if the kids ask to come play kickball as opposed to doing another load of laundry yes, try a new genre of movies, yes...I may even go see Thor with my husband and son instead of the next romance flick. You get the point, my plan is to say yes to everything especially things that I would normally say no to and see where it takes me. :-) I will definitely blog about it so stay tuned.


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