Saturday, March 19, 2011

Are ALL women catty?

Yes ladies I am going there..... because as women we have this stereotype that follows us that we are all catty. I hear far to often when talking to women about friendships and their lack thereof what I call the famous line of women..."I don't have female friends because women are catty or women keep up to much mess" The thought that always comes to my mind is....aren't YOU a woman so does that mean you are catty and keep up mess? It's funny how we are classic for pointing the finger at others but unwilling to see the part that WE play in why women have such difficult times getting along. I believe the problem is that as women we are emotional and to often lead by what we feel. When led by feelings the focus is always on SELF.

One of the things I have learned when issues come up between me and another woman is....try and see the situation through her eyes. Forgiveness flows where there is understanding. This may sound simple but it makes a huge difference. This small gesture is a natural buffer against you and OFFENSE. It defuses situations naturally. A lot of the things that women argue over are easily fixable if we would try and see the situation through her eyes. Seeing it through her eyes detaches you from how you feel, gets the focus off of you, and allows you to see the full picture. As women we are very in touch with our feelings and how things make us feel, and many times our feelings will become our reality. They AREN'T reality but they are OUR reality. What we have to remember is emotions aren't fact they are just feelings trying to get you to move in a certain direction . Just because it FEELS real doesn't necessarily make it so. Pausing to see the situation through the other person's eyes helps you weed through the emotions of the situation and get to the root of what's really going on; taking account of both people's perspectives.

MANY of the catty arguments and fall outs we have with women on our job, in our churches, and other areas of our lives are small and EASILY fixable. The reason men don't argue and bicker like women is because they don't internalize everything emotionally. Only thinking about yourself in a situation and how YOU feel is why women have such a hard time getting along. We are to touchy and easily offended. That's why we have so many little issues that become mountains. I say this all the time, a "NENE" type personality works on TV but in real life, all that drama is toxic.

Smooches Lovely People :-),


  1. Great blog...and thank God I am a man! J/k...if everyone could just realize that emotions and feelings don't necessary mean that something is real or fact, and instead, be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to get angry...most offenses could be avoided. Keep up the good blog babe!
