Thursday, October 20, 2011

Your Days of Dread are Over!

Hello everyone, If you are facing a deadline or date right now that you're are afraid of and dreading the coming of this particular day, if  right now you can't see how the situation will turn out in your favor, let me offer you some insight into what I learned when I was in a similar situation. The first thing as a believer you should realize is YOU ARE NOT ALONE in this situation, Christ is with you. You are right now seated in Christ far above that circumstance. You ALREADY have victory IN CHRIST over that situation. There is a VERY REAL other side of your current situation that YOU can not see right now, but just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't real.

Consider for a minute how Christ dealt with situations. For instance, in the story of Jesus raising Lazurus from the dead found in John 11, on the way to raise Lazarus as Jesus and the disciples discussed his death, Jesus spoke of Lazarus as sleeping. To everyone else Lazarus was dead but from Christ' perspective he was asleep. When Jesus showed up after Lazarus had died everyone else was weeping, mourning and feeling defeated what was the outcome? Christ raised him from the dead. Let's take the story of Jesus and the disciples on the boat in the midst of the storm found in Mark 4. They thought they were going to die but from Christ' perspective they were going to the other side and he slept in the midst of the storm. In Mark 6 in the example of the 5000 who were hungry and needed to be fed all the disciples' minds could see was that they only had 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread, and there was no way they could feed all those people. Christ had another perspective of the situation.

I know that these are all familiar stories and I am not trying to "hype" you up. What I want you to realize is the Person who helped, changed, fixed, and delivered in those situations is still alive today, and if you are born again HE lives on the inside of you RIGHT NOW, and you have access to HIS mind and perspective of YOUR situation RIGHT NOW. What YOU are currently seeing about your situation although it may be a fact is only one side of the situation. There is another higher view that God has of the situation that has not entered into your heart or mind. So you can either spend everyday leading up to that day/deadline worried about it OR... you can take one day at a time and allow Christ to be bread for you TODAY. You have enough Grace for TODAY. Experience him as such TODAY and then when tomorrow comes you will experience him then also. If you choose to worry by the time that day comes you will have spent so many days focused on the problem that in your mind the problem will be huge and God and his ability will be small, but if you can spend everyday with HIM focused on Christ by the time that day arrives you will have HIS view on the situation. The peace that we have in Christ is real and everything doesn't have to be going right in order for you to experience it. You can experience him and all HIS fullness RIGHT now right where you ARE.

If you are in the Atlanta area you really should visit Total Victory International Ministries. If you are not, I encourage you to visit our website There are tons of messages online free for you there and also at our you tube page "The Total Victory Exp".

Be Encouraged Guys The Victory you have in Christ is real!


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