Wednesday, October 12, 2011

LIFE Doesn't Consist in the Abundance of Things

My heart is really heavy, heavy because I see so many people hurting. We are living in the day where our economy is failing us. Jobs are unstable, which means money is unstable and when money is unstable it effects EVERYTHING. Health is effected because of stress, marriages are effected because of the stress of lack of money, violence increases because people in desperate situations do desperate things. I look around and I see so many people trusting in and looking to the wrong source for peace and happiness. As a society we feel SECURE because of our possessions, our jobs, our spouses and people, but when these things fail us and our spouses leave, our jobs end, our loved ones die...what are we left with. Do we have anything SOLID within us to keep us?

Contrary to what politicians promise it isn't going to get any better, it's only going to get worse. The economy isn't going to recover, the wars aren't going to stop. Storms and devastation and many other things were all prophesied by Christ and will increase until his return. He ISN'T causing them, God ISN'T causing them; FALLEN MANKIND is causing them. What do you do when the thing that is trying to fix the problem IS the problem? That is where we find ourselves as a nation. Politicians fill us with empty promises, they want to help but the truth is they don't know HOW to help because the real problem isn't war, violence or poverty; the real problem is a SOCIETY and CULTURE without GOD and without CHRIST.

Apart from GOD and HIS wisdom and understanding man is not capable of managing this planet OR even our own lives; and APART from Christ we have no access to GOD. We have a race of people on the planet who think they don't need God and certainly don't need Christ. When the truth is Christ is the only way to God, the only way to access his wisdom, life, strength, joy and peace.

So as a believer what do you do. How do you stay sane in the days that we are living in. You keep your eyes on CHRIST. Continue to learn of him. If you are in a church where man is the focus where you're told every Sunday what you aren't doing, what you need to change, what sin you need to stop in order for God to fellowship with you. Christ isn't the focus and you are being taught to focus on man. Get in a church where Christ is preached and HE is the center of every message. When you focus on HIM you begin to live by HIS mind, HIS wisdom, HIS strength, HIS joy HIS peace. Those things are NEVER shaken or effected by outward circumstances. Let HIM be your life. The only answer to the dilemma that we face as a society is CHRIST. He is the only thing solid that will not and can not be shaken in the days that are upon us.

I encourage you to visit our website or our YouTube page "The Total Victory Exp" we have tons of messages free for you online that will help you during these times.

Stay Encouraged,


  1. Great blog!! And it is much needed today because we all can sometimes forget that life doesn't consist in the abundance of things that we possess, but only in Christ! Thank God for Jesus Christ!

  2. Excellent blog Pastor Eboni! You truly hit home on every point. Mankind has become so obsessed with material things, money and status with Christ no where in the picture. I'm so thankful for the teaching we've been receiving.
